Diagnostics and repairs

Something wrong with your vehicle? Let's get you back on the road.

Are you having car troubles but you’re not sure what the problem is? Leave it to us. Our qualified mechanics will inspect your car or van and find the root of the problem using expert diagnostic tools and our wealth of knowledge and experience. Once we’ve identified the problem, we’ll explain it to you in clear and simple terms – no jargon and no attempts to mislead you or con you. We will only recommend what is needed and will never go ahead with anything without your permission and without talking to you.

And whatever the issue is, you’re in safe hands. Our mechanics are highly experienced in repairing clutches, brakes, timing belts, suspensions, wheel bearings, engines and much more – simply give us a call to book a diagnostic check or repair. 

We also run diagnostics on electric and hybrid vehicles, and our trained specialist mechanics are qualified to repair or replace high-voltage battery cells, inverters, power motors, generators, brakes, steering, suspensions and filters.

Other Services



Annual and 6-monthly servicing for all vehicles, including electric and hybrids.

MOT Testing

Book your vehicle in for an MOT today and we will ensure it is correctly prepared and tested to a high standard.

Aircon testing

Think your aircon might be faulty or leaking? Book in a test.